

Snapshotopen in new window, a spinoff from the Balancer team, is an off-chain gasless multi-governance client with easy to verify and hard to contest results.

Snapshot derives its name from taking a "snapshot" of the Ethereum blockchain at a certain block number before voting opens. By having a fixed point in time, this eliminates the need to worry about moving tokens voting multiple times or someone using a flash loan to borrow a ton of voting power.

Eligibility/How to Vote

In order to be eligible to vote on Balanceropen in new window proposals, you need to satisfy at least one of the following:

  • Hold veBAL tokens
  • Have someone delegate their voting power to your address

When a vote opens, click on the proposal in the Balancer Space, scroll to the voting section, and cast your vote. Your wallet provider will ask you to sign a message (don't worry, you won't be charged any gas).

Further Reading

If you're interested in learning more or want to use Snapshot for your own project, check out their documentationopen in new window!