Swapping with Custom Paths with the Router

This guide illustrates the process of executing swaps through the router once swap paths have been established. The examples provided encompass both single and multi-path swap types, focusing on exactIn swaps. For additional information on exactOut swaps, please refer to the Router API documentation.

To use the Balancer Smart Order Router to find efficient swap paths for a pair see this guide.

This guide is for Swapping on Balancer v3. The sdk supports swapping on v3 and Balancer v2.

Core Concepts

The core concepts of executing Swaps are the same for any programming language or framework:

  • The sender must approve the Vault (not the Router) for each swap input token
  • Token amount inputs/outputs are always in the raw token scale, e.g. 1 USDC should be sent as 1000000 because it has 6 decimals
  • Transactions are always sent to the Router
  • There are two different swap kinds:
    • ExactIn: Where the user provides an exact input token amount.
    • ExactOut: Where the user provides an exact output token amount.
  • There are two subsets of a swap:
    • Single Swap: A swap, tokenIn > tokenOut, using a single pool. This is the most gas efficient option for a swap of this kind.
    • Multi-path Swaps: Swaps involving multiple paths but all executed in the same transaction. Each path can have its own (or the same) tokenIn/tokenOut.

The following sections provide specific implementation details for Javascript (with and without the SDK) and Solidity.

Custom Paths With The SDK

The SDK Swap object provides functionality to easily fetch updated swap quotes and create swap transactions with user defined slippage protection.

import {
} from "@balancer/sdk";
import { Address } from "viem";

// User defined
const swapInput = {
  chainId: ChainId.SEPOLIA,
  swapKind: SwapKind.GivenIn,
  paths: [
      pools: ["0x1e5b830439fce7aa6b430ca31a9d4dd775294378" as Address],
      tokens: [
          address: "0xb19382073c7a0addbb56ac6af1808fa49e377b75" as Address,
          decimals: 18,
        }, // tokenIn
          address: "0xf04378a3ff97b3f979a46f91f9b2d5a1d2394773" as Address,
          decimals: 18,
        }, // tokenOut
      vaultVersion: 3 as const,
      inputAmountRaw: 1000000000000000000n,
      outputAmountRaw: 990000000000000000n,

// Swap object provides useful helpers for re-querying, building call, etc
const swap = new Swap(swapInput);

  `Input token: ${swap.inputAmount.token.address}, Amount: ${swap.inputAmount.amount}`
  `Output token: ${swap.outputAmount.token.address}, Amount: ${swap.outputAmount.amount}`

// Get up to date swap result by querying onchain
const updatedOutputAmount = await swap.query(RPC_URL) as ExactInQueryOutput;
console.log(`Updated amount: ${updatedOutputAmount.expectedAmountOut}`);

// Build call data using user defined slippage
const callData = swap.buildCall({
    slippage: Slippage.fromPercentage("0.1"), // 0.1%,
    deadline: 999999999999999999n, // Deadline for the swap, in this case infinite
    queryOutput: updatedOutputAmount,
    wethIsEth: false
  }) as SwapBuildOutputExactIn;

  `Min Amount Out: ${callData.minAmountOut.amount}\n\nTx Data:\nTo: ${callData.to}\nCallData: ${callData.callData}\nValue: ${callData.value}`

Install the Balancer SDK

The Balancer SDKopen in new window is a Typescript/Javascript library for interfacing with the Balancer protocol and can be installed with:

The two main helper classes we use from the SDK are:

  • Swap - to build swap queries and transactions
  • Slippage - to simplify creating limits with user defined slippage

Providing Custom Paths To The Balancer SDK

swapInput must be of the following type:

type SwapInput = {
    chainId: number;
    paths: Path[];
    swapKind: SwapKind;
  • chainId - the chain the swap is valid for
  • swapKind - either a GivenIn or GivenOut
  • paths - An array of paths that define a swap from a tokenIn>tokenOut where a path looks like:
type Path = {
    pools: Address[] | Hex[];
    tokens: TokenApi[];
    outputAmountRaw: bigint;
    inputAmountRaw: bigint;
    vaultVersion: 2 | 3;
  • pools - an array of pools that will be swapped against, ordered sequentially for the path.
  • tokens - an array of tokens that will be swapped to/from, ordered sequentially for the path. tokens[0] is the initial tokenIn and tokens[length-1] is the final tokenOut for the path.
  • inputAmountRaw/outputAmountRaw - the final input/output amounts for the path.
  • vaultVersion - the version of the Balancer protocol. Note each path must use the same vaultVersion.

Using the input given above as an illustrative example:

const swapInput = {
  chainId: ChainId.SEPOLIA,
  swapKind: SwapKind.GivenIn,
  paths: [
      pools: ["0x1e5b830439fce7aa6b430ca31a9d4dd775294378" as Address],
      tokens: [
          address: "0xb19382073c7a0addbb56ac6af1808fa49e377b75" as Address,
          decimals: 18,
        }, // tokenIn
          address: "0xf04378a3ff97b3f979a46f91f9b2d5a1d2394773" as Address,
          decimals: 18,
        }, // tokenOut
      vaultVersion: 3 as const,
      inputAmountRaw: 1000000000000000000n,
      outputAmountRaw: 990000000000000000n,

We can infer:

  • The swap is of the GivenIn type and is valid for Balancer v3 on Sepolia
  • There is one path swapping:
    • token: 0xb19382073c7a0addbb56ac6af1808fa49e377b75 to 0xf04378a3ff97b3f979a46f91f9b2d5a1d2394773
    • using pool: 0x1e5b830439fce7aa6b430ca31a9d4dd775294378
    • with an input amount of 1000000000000000000 (or 1 scaled to human format)
    • with an output amount of 990000000000000000 (or 9.9 scaled to human format)

Queries and safely setting slippage limits

Router queries allow for simulation of operations without execution. In this example, when the query function is called:

const updatedOutputAmount = await swap.query(RPC_URL) as ExactInQueryOutput;

An onchain call is used to find an updated result for the swap paths, in this case the amount of token out that would be received, updatedOutputAmount, given the original inputAmountRaw as the input.

In the next step buildCall uses the updatedOutputAmount and the user defined slippage to calculate the minAmountOut:

const callData = swap.buildCall({
    slippage: Slippage.fromPercentage("1"), // 1%,
    deadline: 999999999999999999n, // Deadline for the swap, in this case infinite
    queryOutput: updatedOutputAmount,
    wethIsEth: false
  }) as SwapBuildOutputExactIn;

In the full example above, we defined our slippage as Slippage.fromPercentage('1'), meaning that we if we do not receive at least 99% of our expected updatedOutputAmount, the transaction should revert. Internally, the SDK subtracts 1% from the query output, as shown in Slippage.applyTo below:

 * Applies slippage to an amount in a given direction
 * @param amount amount to apply slippage to
 * @param direction +1 adds the slippage to the amount, and -1 will remove the slippage from the amount
 * @returns
public applyTo(amount: bigint, direction: 1 | -1 = 1): bigint {
    return MathSol.mulDownFixed(
        BigInt(direction) * this.amount + WAD,

Constructing the call

The output of the buildCall function provides all that is needed to submit the Swap transaction:

  • to - the address of the Router
  • callData - the encoded call data
  • value - the native asset value to be sent

It also returns the minAmountOut amount which can be useful to display/validation purposes before the transaction is sent.

Custom Paths Without The SDK

The following section illustrates swap operations on the Router through examples implemented in Javascript and Solidity.

Single Swap

The following code examples demonstrate how to execute a single token swap specifying an exact input token amount. To achieve this, we use two Router functions:

The Router interface for swapSingleTokenExactIn is:

* @notice Executes a swap operation specifying an exact input token amount.
* @param pool Address of the liquidity pool
* @param tokenIn Token to be swapped from
* @param tokenOut Token to be swapped to
* @param exactAmountIn Exact amounts of input tokens to send
* @param minAmountOut Minimum amount of tokens to be received
* @param deadline Deadline for the swap
* @param userData Additional (optional) data required for the swap
* @param wethIsEth If true, incoming ETH will be wrapped to WETH; otherwise the Vault will pull WETH tokens
* @return amountOut Calculated amount of output tokens to be received in exchange for the given input tokens
function swapSingleTokenExactIn(
    address pool,
    IERC20 tokenIn,
    IERC20 tokenOut,
    uint256 exactAmountIn,
    uint256 minAmountOut,
    uint256 deadline,
    bool wethIsEth,
    bytes calldata userData
) external payable returns (uint256 amountOut);
  • exactAmountIn defines the exact amount of tokenIn to send.
  • minAmountOut defines the minimum amount of tokenOut to receive. If the amount is less than this (e.g. because of slippage) the transaction will revert
  • If wethIsEth is set to true, the Router will deposit the exactAmountIn of ETH into the WETH contract. So, the transaction must be sent with the appropriate value amount
  • deadline the UNIX timestamp at which the swap must be completed by - if the transaction is confirmed after this time then the transaction will fail.
  • userData allows additional parameters to be provided for custom pool types. In most cases it is not required and a value of 0x can be provided.

Javascript Without SDK



Queries should not be used onchain to set minAmountOut due to possible manipulation via frontrunning.

pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

// TODO - Assume there will be interface type package? Needs updated when released.
import "@balancer-labs/...../IRouter.sol";

contract SingleSwap {
    IRouter public router;

    constructor(IRouter _router) {
      router = _router;

    function singleSwap(
        address pool,
        IERC20 tokenIn,
        IERC20 tokenOut,
        uint256 exactAmountIn,
        uint256 minAmountOut,
        uint256 deadline,
        bool wethIsEth,
        bytes calldata userData
    ) external {

Multi Path Swap


Multi-path Swaps use the Balancer BatchRouter-TODO we need a link to more info here?

The following code examples demonstrate how to execute a multi path swap specifying exact input token amounts. To achieve this, we use two Router functions:

  • swapExactIn - Execute a swap involving multiple paths, specifying exact input token amounts.
  • querySwapExactIn - The router query used to simulate a swap. It returns the exact amount of token out for each swap path.

The Router interface for swapExactIn is:

* @notice Executes a swap operation involving multiple paths (steps), specifying exact input token amounts.
* @param paths Swap paths from token in to token out, specifying exact amounts in.
* @param deadline Deadline for the swap
* @param wethIsEth If true, incoming ETH will be wrapped to WETH; otherwise the Vault will pull WETH tokens
* @param userData Additional (optional) data required for the swap
* @return pathAmountsOut Calculated amounts of output tokens corresponding to the last step of each given path
* @return tokensOut Calculated output token addresses
* @return amountsOut Calculated amounts of output tokens, ordered by output token address
function swapExactIn(
    SwapPathExactAmountIn[] memory paths,
    uint256 deadline,
    bool wethIsEth,
    bytes calldata userData
) external payable returns (uint256[] memory pathAmountsOut, address[] memory tokensOut, uint256[] memory amountsOut);
  • deadline the UNIX timestamp at which the swap must be completed by - if the transaction is confirmed after this time then the transaction will fail.
  • If wethIsEth is set to true, the Router will deposit the exactAmountIn of ETH into the WETH contract. So, the transaction must be sent with the appropriate value amount
  • userData allows additional parameters to be provided for custom pool types. In most cases it is not required and a value of 0x can be provided.
  • paths an array of swap paths, in this case SwapPathExactAmountIn, that have a number of steps, SwapPathStep, to swap a given tokenIn to tokenOut:
struct SwapPathStep {
    address pool;
    IERC20 tokenOut;
    // If true, the "pool" is an ERC4626 Buffer. Used to wrap/unwrap tokens if pool doesn't have enough liquidity.
    bool isBuffer;

struct SwapPathExactAmountIn {
    IERC20 tokenIn;
    // for each step:
    // if tokenIn == pool use removeLiquidity SINGLE_TOKEN_EXACT_IN
    // if tokenOut == pool use addLiquidity UNBALANCED
    SwapPathStep[] steps;
    uint256 exactAmountIn;
    uint256 minAmountOut;
  • each path defines a minAmountOut. If the amount of tokenOut is less than this (e.g. because of slippage) the transaction will revert
  • pool add/remove operations can be included in the path by using a pool address as tokenIn/Out
    • tokenIn == pool: router will remove liquidity from pool to a single token, tokenOut
    • tokenOut == pool: router will add liquidity using tokenIn
    • isBuffer: if true, this means the "pool" address is actually an ERC4626 wrapped token, and we want to use the associated buffer




Queries should not be used onchain to set minAmountOut due to possible manipulation via frontrunning.

pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

// TODO - Assume there will be interface type package? Needs updated when released.
import "@balancer-labs/...../IRouter.sol";

contract MultiPathSwap {
    IRouter public router;

    constructor(IRouter _router) {
      router = _router;

    function multiPathSwap(
        SwapPathExactAmountIn[] memory paths,
        uint256 deadline,
        bool wethIsEth,
        bytes calldata userData
    ) external {