SmartWalletWhitelist contract

Using the SmartWalletWhitelist smart contract, you can independently establish a list of allowed smart contracts that can lock tokens in the VotingEscrow contract. To deploy SmartWalletWhitelist, execute the following command:

npx hardhat run ./scripts/utils/deploySmartAllowList.ts --network networkName

Don't forget to specify desired networkName (full list of network names can be found hardhat.config.tsopen in new window)

After deploying the SmartWalletWhitelist smart contract, you need to add its address to the VotingEscrow contract. To do this, in the VotingEscrow contract, sequentially call the functions:

function commit_smart_wallet_checker(address newSmartWalletWhitelistAddress);  
function apply_smart_wallet_checker();  

where newSmartWalletWhitelistAddress is the address of your SmartWalletWhitelist contract.

Whitelist access

You can specify one particular allowed contract address (or list of addresses) by using following functions:

function approveWallet(address _wallet) external;

function approveWalletList(address[] calldata _wallets) external;

where _wallet (or _wallets) - The address of a contract to be approved.

Access for All Smart Contracts

If you want to allow access to VotingEscrow for all smart contracts, you need to set such allowance in the SmartWalletWhitelist contract:

function setAllowAll(bool _isAllowAll) external;

where _isAllowAll - The boolean parameter to set if it allowed for all contract or not.

Complex configuration

If you want to configure access to VotingEscrow for smart contracts in more complex way, you can implement desired logic in the separate contract. You can use SmartChecker contract as a template. When your implementation is ready you can deploy it:

npx hardhat run ./scripts/utils/deploySmartChecker.ts --network networkName

Then, in the SmartWalletWhitelist contract, call the function:

function setChecker(address SmartCheckerAddress) external;

where SmartCheckerAddress is the address of your SmartChecker contract.